Stretcher Pads
Stretcher Pads

AMG Healthcare sells and installs replacement pads and mattresses for all types of stretcher equipment. These replacement pads are available for purchase from AMG at a savings of 50% or more when compared to Original Equipment Manufacturer pricing. We offer a comprehensive selection of stretcher pads and mattresses, with options for size, thickness, and fittings, so that we can provide you with the best solution for your particular equipment. AMG’s trained staff are also available to help you with choosing the best pad or mattress for your needs. AMG’s stretcher pad service includes: determining which stretcher pad is required and recommended, delivering and installing the new stretcher pad, and removing and disposing of the old stretcher pad. This inclusive service allows the replacement of your stretcher pads and mattresses to be a simple, easy process.
Wheelchair mobility services provide a turn-key solution for wheelchair equipment, including repair, cleaning, preventative maintenance, and leasing…[More]
Stretcher mobility services include repair, preventative maintenance, and cleaning your equipment…[More]
Stretcher Pads
AMG sells and installs replacement pads and mattresses for your stretcher equipment…[More]
Hospital Beds
AMG can provide repair service for maintaining your hospital beds…[More]
We receive timely, reliable support from the team at AMG. Our stretchers are always returned quickly after being serviced or repaired.
Nursing Facility Manager
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Does your equipment require maintenance or repair?
Are you interested in learning more about our mobility equipment services?

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PHONE: (866) 370-5522
3224 Green Park Circle
Charlotte, NC 28217